God and Money: How We Discovered True Riches at Harvard Business School

Now Available in Hardcover, Paperback, and Audiobook!

Amazon's #1 New Release in Christian Stewardship - Two young Harvard MBAs on the fast track to wealth and success, tell their story of God’s transforming power and how it changed their lives and their relationship to money. They offer an honest look at what the Bible says about radical generosity. Read the first chapter here!

As lifelong Christians, John and Gregory each tithed regularly. But they didn’t give much thought to the intersection of faith and money until 2014 when, in the rather unlikely setting of Harvard Business School, they met and began a searching exploration of these spiritual questions. God and Money (formerly titled Through the Needle) takes the reader along on their journey to the audacious conclusion that God calls Christians to a far more radical task than building wealth. He calls them to give abundantly, and to lay aside their tendencies to become Spenders or Savers.

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